New evidence is helping to confirm what many fertility doctors already knew; That the health and quality of a man's sperm cells are one of the biggest components to successfully conceiving.
The health of a man's sperm is so important because it truly is survival of the fittest. You have thousands of sperm cells competing for the chance to penetrate and fertilize the female egg. Compound this fact with the numerous variables that stand in the sperm cells way and you have an extremely difficult mission. The factors that dictate your success as well as your fertility rate are outlined in greater detail in the next section.
Factors of Importance-The Battle of Conception
First the environment of the female reproductive system is very acidic, and in order for the sperm cells to survive in this environment long enough to find the female egg they need a protective barrier. This protective barrier is the seminal fluid which contains the sperm cells. It not only acts as a barrier but also acts as a fuel on which the sperm cells feed off of. So in order to have strong and healthy sperm cells you also need a healthy dose of semen.
Next the sperm cells themselves must be of high quality with key traits like motility and mobility. What this means is that the sperm cells should show signs of being strong swimmers and the ability to swim in a forward motion. There should also be few signs of sperm abnormalities including: low sperm count low semen volume, poor swimming ability, crooked tails and malformed sperm cells and the presence of a large number of dead sperm cells.
What researchers have recently found is a correlation between the health and quality of a man's sperm cell and the presence of a particular protein that is found in the immune system. This protein was crucial to the continued strength and health of the sperm cells because it helped increase the sperms motility. Again what this confirms is the importance of a healthy body and the role that key amino acids (the building blocks of protein), nutrients, vitamins and minerals have in the health of the male sexual health system.
If you ensure that your body is receiving enough of these key elements as part of your diet then you are on your way to maintaining a healthy fertility level with healthy sperm cells. If you are unsure as to whether you are receiving the adequate nutrients adding a specially formulated supplement will help.
To read more about the latest on the protein MIF and the role it plays in the male reproductive system or to learn more about all natural supplements designed just for the male reproductive system please visit Sperm Cell Development Based on Protein MIF
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